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How to Draw Bored Anime Eyes

Easy, step by step Anime Eyes drawing tutorial
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Some credit William Shakespeare with the maxim, "the eyes are the windows to the soul." This means that you can learn a lot about a person by watching their eyes.

The eyes are one source of nonverbal communication - we show our feelings to others when we cry, when our eyes are drawn up along with a smile, when they grow wide with fear, are squinted in anger, or when we roll our eyes in contempt.

The Japanese animation style known as anime takes the art of the eye to a whole new level.

The eyes of anime characters are large and expressive, often square in shape and somewhat pointed, rather than round.

Each artist or series displays a distinct drawing style, which may include interesting styles of hair and dress and differing degrees of realism.

Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.

Modern anime arose during the 1950s, following the success of American animated cartoons, such as those produced by Walt Disney.

Since then, the popularity of anime has spread around the world. Many popular cartoons are dubbed with other languages, such as English, and marketed around the world.

A subculture has grown up around anime and manga - not only do fans watch the television shows, but they often delight in playing video or card games, reading books, dressing up as characters and engaging in live action role play, or learning to draw their favorite characters.

Would you like to draw an anime (or manga) character? Mastering anime girl eyes is a good place to start, and this simple, step-by-step eye drawing tutorial is here to help.

All you will need is a pencil or a pen and a sheet of paper. You may also wish to use colored pencils or something similar to shade your finished drawing.

If you liked this tutorial, see also the following drawing guides: Goku, Charizard, and Pikachu.

​Step by Step Instructions for Drawing​​​​ ​Anime Girl Eyes

Anime Eyes drawing - step 1
How to Draw Anime Eyes Step 01

1.​ ​Begin by drawing two curved lines. These will form the tops of the anime girl eyes.

Anime Eyes drawing - step 2
How to Draw Anime Eyes Step 02

2. ​​​​​​​​​​​Draw another curved line beneath each of those drawn in the first step. It should meet the first line in a point on the inside of each eye, open on the other end. Then, extend short, curved lines outward from the end of each line. Connect the lines using a short, straight line, enclosing the upper eye.

Anime Eyes drawing - step 3
How to Draw Anime Eyes Step 03

3. ​​​​​​​​​​​Allow some space beneath each eye, then draw a curved line. On one end of each line, to the outside of the eye, draw a pair of short lines.

Anime Eyes drawing - step 4
How to Draw Anime Eyes Step 04

4. ​​Draw a thick, curved line above each eye. These lines represent the eyebrows.

Anime Eyes drawing - step 5
How to Draw Anime Eyes Step 05

5.​​ ​​​​​​​Use a long, curved line to enclose an irregular rounded shape between the upper and lower portions of the anime girl eye. This will form the iris of the eye.

Anime Eyes drawing - step 6
How to Draw Anime Eyes Step 06

6.​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​Repeat this process on the other eye, enclosing an irregular rounded shape using a long, curved line, to form a mirror image.

Anime Eyes drawing - step 7
How to Draw Anime Eyes Step 07

7. ​​​Within the iris of each eye, draw a small circle to form the pupil.

Anime Eyes drawing - step 8
How to Draw Anime Eyes Step 08

8.​​​ ​​​​​Add detail to the iris of the eye. Draw a curved line connecting the pupil to the iris on each side. The resulting shape should resemble two mountains, with the pupil like a rising sun between them.

Anime Eyes drawing - step 9
How to Draw Anime Eyes Step 09

9.​​​ Draw a small oval beside each pupil to highlight the eye, and shade the upper portion of the eye.

Complete Anime Eyes drawing
How to Draw Anime Eyes Step 10

10. ​​​​​​​Color your anime girl eyes. Common human eye colors include brown, amber, green, hazel, grey, blue, and even violet. Of course, your anime character can sport any eye color you may dream up. Don't forget to be creative!

Want to learn more anime drawing tips? Check out our manga hair guide, as well as characters such as Goku, Naruto, Charizard, and Pikachu.

Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.

Printable Drawing Tutorial


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How to Draw Bored Anime Eyes
