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Free Noncopyright Clip Art Depicting People Being Deceptive and Gossipers


Dalam halaman ini, pengguna dapat meminta halaman atau berkas yang telah dihapus agar dipulihkan kembali. Pengguna dapat memberi komentar pada permintaan-permintaan dengan meninggalkan catatan seperti jangan dipulihkan atau batalkan penghapusan dengan menyertakan alasan.

Halaman ini bukanlah bagian dari Wikipedia. Halaman ini berisi isi dari Wikimedia Commons, sebuah repository berkas media bebas yang digunakan oleh Wikipedia dan proyek Wikimedia lain. Wikimedia Commons tidak memuat artikel ensiklopedia. Untuk meminta pembatalan penghapusan sebuah artikel atau konten lainnya yang dihapus dari Wikipedia bahasa Inggris, lihat halaman tinjauan penghapusan pada proyek tersebut.

Cari tahu mengapa sebuah berkas dihapus

Pertama, periksa log penghapusan dan cari tahu mengapa berkas itu dihapus. Gunakan pula fitur What links hither untuk melihat apakah ada diskusi yang tertaut ke berkas tersebut. Jika Anda yang mengunggah berkasnya, periksa apakah ada pesan di halaman pembicaraan Anda yang menjelaskan alasan penghapusan tersebut. Kedua, baca kebijakan penghapusan, kebijakan ruang lingkup proyek, dan kebijakan lisensi untuk mengetahui mengapa berkas itu tidak diizinkan diunggah di Commons.

Jika alasan yang diberikan tidak jelas atau Anda ingin menyanggahnya, hubungi pengurus yang menghapus berkas itu untuk meminta penjelasan atau berikan bukti untuk menyanggah alasan itu. Anda juga dapat menghubungi pengurus aktif lainnya (mungkin pengurus yang dapat berbahasa asli seperti Anda)–sebagian besar mereka akan senang membantu, dan jika ada kesalahan, jelaskan situasinya.

Banding penghapusan

Penghapusan yang tepat berdasarkan kebijakan penghapusan, cakupan proyek dan lisensi tidak akan dibatalkan. Usulan untuk mengubah kebijakan tersebut bisa dilakukan di halaman pembicaraan mereka.

Jika Anda merasa berkas yang bersangkutan tidak melanggar hak cipta ataupun di luar cakupan proyek yang sekarang:

  • Anda bisa berdiskusi dengan pengurus yang menghapus berkasnya. Anda bisa meminta pengurus memberikan penjelasan terperinci atau menunjukkan bukti yang mendukung pembatalan penghapusan.
  • Jika Anda tidak ingin menghubungi siapa-siapa secara langsung, atau jika seorang pengurus menolak membatalkan penghapusan, atau jika Anda ingin memberikan kesempatan untuk orang-orang berpartisipasi dalam diskusi, Anda bisa mengusulkan pembatalan penghapusan di halaman ini.
  • Jika berkas dihapus karena tidak ada bukti izin lisensi dari pemegang hak cipta, tolong ikuti tata cara memberikan bukti perizinan. Jika Anda sudah melakukannya, tidak perlu meminta pembatalan penghapusan di sini. Jika izin yang diberikan sesuai, berkasnya akan dikembalikan ketika perizinannya diproses. Tolong sabar, karena ini mungkin memerlukan beberapa pekan bergantung pada beban pekerjaan saat ini dan sukarelawan yang tersedia.
  • Jika beberapa informasi tidak ditemukan di deskripsi gambar yang dihapus, Anda akan ditanyakan beberapa pertanyaan. Biasanya pertanyaan tersebut perlu dijawab sebelum 24 jam.

Pembatalan penghapusan sementara

Berkas bisa dikembalikan sementara untuk membantu diskusi pengembalian berkas tersebut atau untuk memungkinkan pemindahan berkas ke proyek yang memperbolehkan penggunaan wajar. Gunakan templat {{Asking temporary undeletion}} di permintaan pembatalan penghapusan yang diinginkan, dan berikan penjelasan.

  1. jika pengembalian sementaranya dimaksudkan untuk membantu diskusi, jelaskan mengapa pengembalian sementara tersebut berguna untuk diskusi, atau
  2. jika pengembalian sementaranya dimaksudkan untuk memindahkan ke proyek penggunaan wajar, sebutkan proyek mana yang Anda ingin jadikan tujuan pemindahan dan tautkan pernyataan penggunaan wajar proyek.

Untuk mendukung diskusi

Berkas bisa dikembalikan untuk sementara untuk membantu diskusi apabila sulit bagi para pengguna untuk memutuskan apakah permintaan pembatalan penghapusan harus diberikan atau tidak tanpa bisa mengakses berkasnya. Apabila deskripsi berkas atau kutipan dari halaman deskripsi berkas sudah cukup, pengurus bisa menyediakan ini bukannya memenuhi permintaan pembatalan penghapusan sementara. Usulan akan ditolak apabila dirasa kegunaannya bagi diskusi tidak sebanding dengan faktor-faktor lain (seperti mengembalikan, walaupun hanya sementara, berkas yang memiliki masalah yang terkait dengan Commons:Foto tokoh yang dapat dikenali). Berkas yang dikembalikan sementara untuk membantu diskusi akan dihapus lagi setelah tiga puluh hari, atau ketika usulan pembatalan penghapusan telah ditutup (dipilih yang lebih awal).

Untuk memungkinkan pemindahan konten penggunaan wajar ke proyek lain

Tidak seperti Wikipedia bahasa Inggris dan beberapa proyek Wikimedia lainnya, Commons tidak menerima konten yang tidak bebas meskipun sesuai dengan ketentuan penggunaan wajar. Jika berkas yang dihapus memenuhi persyaratan penggunaan wajar di proyek Wikimedia lain, pengguna bisa mengusulkan pembatalan penghapusan sementara untuk memindahkan berkas ke sana. Usulan ini biasanya dilakukan secara cepat (tanpa diskusi). Berkas yang sementara dikembalikan untuk tujuan pemindahan akan dihapus lagi setelah dua hari. Ketika meminta pembatalan penghapusan sementara, tolong sebutkan proyek mana yang dijadikan tujuan pemindahan berkas dan tautan ke pernyataan penggunaan wajar proyek tersebut.

Proyek yang menerima penggunaan wajar
  • Wikipedia: als | ar | bar | bn | exist | be-tarask | ca | el | en | et | eo | fa | fi | fr | frr | he | 60 minutes | hy | id | is | it | ja | lb | lt | lv | mk | ms | pt | ro | ru | sl | sr | th | tr | tt | uk | half-dozen | zh |+/−
  • Wikinews: en | no | pl |+/−
  • Wikibooks: en | it |+/−
  • Wikisource: fa |fr |+/−
  • Wikiversity: en |+/−
  • Wikivoyage: en | fa | fr | ru | zh |+/−
  • Wikiquote (regarding images): he |+/−

Annotation: This list might be outdated. For a more complete list, see meta:Non-free content (this page was concluding updated: March 2014.) Note likewise: Multiple projects (such equally the ml, sa, and si Wikipedias) are listed there as "yes" without policy links.

Menambahkan usulan

Pertama-tama, pastikan Anda telah mencoba mencari tahu mengapa berkasnya dihapus. Kemudian, silakan baca instruksi cara menulis usulan berikut sebelum menambahkan usulannya:

  • Jangan usulkan pembatalan penghapusan berkas yang tidak sedang dihapus.
  • Jangan kirimkan alamat surel atau nomor telepon Anda atau orang lain.
  • Di isian Discipline:, masukkan subjek yang sesuai. Jika Anda meminta pembatalan penghapusan satu berkas, judul bagian seperti [[:File:DeletedFile.jpg]] lebih disarankan. (Perhatikan tanda titik dua di awal pranala.)
  • Perkenalkan berkas yang Anda minta dipulihkan dan berikan pranala gambar (lihat di atas). Jika Anda tidak tahu nama berkasnya, berikan informasi sebanyak yang Anda bisa. Usulan yang gagal memberikan informasi tentang apa yang akan dipulihkan bisa diarsipkan tanpa pemberitahuan lebih lanjut.
  • Sebutkan alasan usulan pembatalan penghapusan.
  • Tanda tangani usulan Anda menggunakan empat karakter tilda (~~~~). Jika Anda punya akun di Eatables, masuk log terlebih dahulu. Jika Anda adalah yang mengunggah berkas yang bersangkutan, ini bisa membantu pengurus mengenalinya.

Tambahkan usulan ke bawah halaman. Tekan di sini untuk membuka halaman di mana Anda sebaiknya menambahkan usulan Anda. Selain itu, Ada bisa menekan tautan "sunting" di sebelah tanggal sekarang di bawah. Pantau bagian usulan Anda untuk memperoleh informasi terbaru.

Instruksi untuk pengurus

Gunakan akal sehat. Jika, sebagai contoh, berkas dihapus karena tidak punya sumber, dan pengguna yang meminta adalah fotografernya, berkasnya bisa dikembalikan tanpa diskusi panjang. Jika pengguna ingin menandai berkas dengan lisensi tertentu, Anda bisa melakukan itu untuk mereka jika Anda mau, atau membiarkan mereka melakukannya. Namun, Anda harus menghapus templat penghapusan cepat dari berkas. Secara umum, cobalah mengikuti permintaan dari pengguna yang berniat baik. Berkas bisa, sebagai contoh, dikembalikan untuk dilihat oleh pengguna yang meminta tanpa mengharuskan permintaannya ditutup. Pengurus yang menghapus bisa mengembalikan berkas jika terbujuk oleh argumen atau informasi yang diberikan. Pengurus yang menghapus juga boleh berpartisipasi dalam diskusi. Namun, pengurus yang menghapus tidak boleh menutup permintaan yang diperdebatkan sebagai "Not washed" (Tidak dikerjakan). Ketika debat selesai, tutup itu dengan penanda seperti "Tidak dikerjakan" atau "Dikembalikan" dan tambahkan templat {{Udelh}} di atas kepala halaman dan templat {{Udelf}} di bawah komentar Anda. (Templat tersebut adalah singkatan dari "undelete header" dan "footer".) Permohonan yang ditutup secara otomatis diarsipkan.

Ketika membatalkan penghapusan berkas, sebutkan diskusinya (contohnya "Per").

Berkas yang dikembalikan sementara untuk tujuan pemindahan sebaiknya ditandai dengan {{Temporarily undeleted|transfer=aye}}. Ini meletakkan berkasnya di dalam Berkas yang dibatalakan penghapusannya sementara, sebuah subkategori dari Calon penghapusan, dan secara otomatis menominasikan mereka untuk penghapusan cepat setelah dua hari.


Debat pembatalan penghapusan yang telah ditutup diarsip setiap hari.

Permohonan terkini

  • File:SCP CB MTF meets D-9341 at Gate A.png
  • File:SCP CB Apache helicopters versus SCP-682 (i).png
  • File:SCP CB Apache helicopters versus SCP-682 (2).png
  • File:SCP CB The inflow of CIs.png

The game these screenshots are taken from (SCP - Containment Alienation ) are licensed nether CC-By-SA-3.0 as seen at the bottom of their website

  • @Arlo Barnes, OrnateAccount, dan Aismallard: --Trade (talk) 22:44, 16 March 2022 (UTC) [reply]

Encounter related DR: Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded past SpectraKo‎. Yann (talk) 23:08, sixteen March 2022 (UTC) [reply]

  • As I mentioned in the deletion asking page linked above, any screenshots which practice not contain the likeness of the Untitled 2004-derived model for SCP-173 are CC-By-SA three.0. Any images containing the model have restricted licensing terms incompatible with Commons. aismallard (talk) 00:36, 17 March 2022 (UTC) [reply]

@Thuresson: Please undelete?--Trade (talk) sixteen:59, 25 March 2022 (UTC) [reply]

  • Symbol oppose vote.svg Oppose The copyright status is not equally clear every bit described in a higher place. The page cited above has
"© The content of this page is licensed nether Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License"

Note that information technology says "this folio", not the more usual and more general "this site", while another page has:

"Copyright Undertow Games © 2022"

The file descriptions say merely "Source = SCP: Containment Breach", so we do non know which copyright observe is applicative and must therefore assume that the 2d one applies. . Jim . . . (Jameslwoodward) (talk to me) 21:37, 15 April 2022 (UTC) [reply]

  • Symbol support vote.svg Support The IndieDB folio for the game confirms that it is freely licensed, equally the description on the site says: "This game is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike three.0 License." 10:20, 16 April 2022 (UTC) [reply] is not the game programmer. The explicit copyright notice on the game developer'southward site trumps anything said on some other site. . Jim . . . (Jameslwoodward) (talk to me) xvi:23, 17 April 2022 (UTC) [reply]
  • Symbol support vote.svg Support 'copyright' and 'cc-past' don't contradict each other -- one is a specification or clarification of the other. is explicit about what is covered (but regrettably fails to mention to special condition of the model derived from Izumi Kato'due south sculpture). Arlo James Barnes 23:01, 21 Apr 2022 (UTC) [reply]
Really they are contradictory. The game developer's site has an explicit copyright notice without a free license. The fact that shows a cc-by license can't change that. Github also tin can't change that. . Jim . . . (Jameslwoodward) (talk to me) 12:xl, 22 April 2022 (UTC) [reply]

During the discussion of Commons:Deletion requests/File:DEM logotipo(2007).png user Túrelio suggested the deletion of File:Logo practise Democratas até 2018.png authored by user João Vitor Bachini. However, despite his good intentions, the description of the file explained how user João Vitor Bachini digitally made that file himself from scratch based on the original logo in order to provide copyright free material to wikipedia (which is legal). Therefore the exclusion of this file contradicts Wikimedia's own work policies. Besides, even if that wasn't the case, the logo quite clearly does not meet the threshold of originality, being consequent solely of uncomplicated even elementary geometric forms. See the following precedent which is far more complicated and yet copyright complimentary because of its simplistic composition. File:LogoPDT.svg

Przelijpdahl (talk) fifteen:22, 14 April 2022 (UTC) [reply]

Pictogram voting comment.svg Comment Copying an image as described to a higher place creates a derivative work which infringes on whatsoever copyright the original has. Therefore this can exist restored only if the original logo is below the Too. That's a shut call. I am inclined to believe that information technology is OK, but I'd like to see other comments. . Jim . . . (Jameslwoodward) (talk to me) 15:33, 14 April 2022 (UTC) [reply]

File is out of copyright and public domain PD-Australia as a photo taken earlier one Jan 1955.

{{PD-Commonwealth of australia}}--Marillajoe (talk) 03:18, 17 April 2022 (UTC) [answer]

Symbol oppose vote.svg Oppose Information technology was under copyright in 1996, the URAA date, and then it will be under copyright in the USA until 1/one/2031. . Jim . . . (Jameslwoodward) (talk to me) 16:xv, 17 April 2022 (UTC) [answer]

In Commons:Deletion requests/File:Rudy Atencio.jpg the nominator described the image as out of telescopic equally an "Unused photo of an unknown person"

The uploader responded with "Rudy Atencio, is an American politician and currently seeking the Democratic nomination for Due south Washington in the third district."

The closure was "Deleted: per nomination."

I told the closing administrator I idea the uploader's explanation was credible. I reminded them that, fifty-fifty if a failed candidate wasn't notable enough for a standalone article, on a wikipedia, they might nevertheless merit some coverage in a subsection of an article. I cited two examples of photos of failed candidates having their photos used on User_talk:Ruthven#Clarification_please...

I recall nosotros take never required that individuals take wikipedia articles before images of them are in telescopic. Rather haven't we only required that those images might, creditably, be used in a wikipedia commodity? Geo Swan (talk) 15:08, 21 Apr 2022 (UTC) [reply]

Pictogram voting comment.svg Annotate This is clearly in scope, however the copyright status is not so clear. In that location are 2 unlike images, claimed to be ain works, merely that'southward hundred-to-one. The uploaders, Washington Whigs, and and so Us investigations, claimed to be Rudy Atencio himself, even so these are non selfies. Yann (talk) 15:17, 21 April 2022 (UTC) [respond]
Symbol oppose vote.svg Oppose I concord. The image is in scope, merely appears to be a copyright violation. The actual photographer must send a gratuitous license using VRT. . Jim . . . (Jameslwoodward) (talk to me) 12:33, 22 Apr 2022 (UTC) [respond]
  • User:Jameslwoodward, okay, copyright is an additional issue. But the first issue I had was with the closure. The closing admin, who is likewise an admin on, practical the WP:Notability policy to this image, non Commons:SCOPE. I think that was a mistake. I'd like other contributors to support me in encouraging that ambassador to employ Commons:SCOPE not WP:Notability in his or her closures. Geo Swan (talk) 00:37, 23 April 2022 (UTC) [reply]

In Commons:Deletion requests/File:Prinz_Ernst_August_und_seine_Braut,_Prinzessin_Victoria_Luise.jpg the nominator described the image equally a non-free work.

The file was "Deleted: per - An unknown author cannot have given a CC-0 license. This is besides recent to presume the author has been dead for 70 years. And who did the colorization, and when? It too has a copyright."

Notwithstanding, the writer is " - Contumax GmbH & Co. KG" (see GEMEINFREI [Public domain] LINK)
The source: [1]
The license: Gemeinfrei = Public domain (come across source link)
Colorization: was made by me on upload day.

Please re-upload the picture. With Regards. --Jagdrevier.566 (talk) fifteen:57, 21 April 2022 (UTC) [reply]

Symbol support vote.svg Support The people are en:Princess Victoria Louise of Prussia and en:Ernest Augustus, Duke of Brunswick, then the engagement is obviously not 1900, only rather around 1920. The lensman is not named, and as it is a postcard, so this could be nether {{PD-betimes-70-Eu}} and {{PD-U.s.-expired}}. Yann (talk) 16:18, 21 April 2022 (UTC) [reply]
The photographer very clearly is in the lower right corner and, fifty-fifty if it weren't, bearding does not mean you personally do non know and does non mean the random website from which it was sourced neglected to provide a credit. The studio is Jagerspacher Hofphotograph, Wien; Carl Jagerspacher died 27.09.1921. Эlcobbola talk 23:42, 21 Apr 2022 (UTC) [reply]
I don't know if the studio survived the death of his creator, but if it did, the photographer is clearly unknown. Otherwise, it ways that it was taken earlier 1921. Yann (talk) 09:thirteen, 22 Apr 2022 (UTC) [reply]
Question: Does the text or logo at the bottom identify the author? If nosotros assume 1920, so information technology's OK, only if it'south 1927, it's under copyright in the Usa. As well, Jagdrevier.566, delight don't waste my time and yours by putting a request on my talk page and here. This is the right identify for it.
Also, Exercise nosotros want the colorized prototype or would we adopt to have the original? . Jim . . . (Jameslwoodward) (talk to me) 22:51, 21 Apr 2022 (UTC) [reply]
We can have both, the colorized version should be uploaded as a separate file. Seeing the ages of the people depicted, tardily 1910s or early 1920s seems a safety assumption. Yann (talk) 09:09, 22 April 2022 (UTC) [reply]
Symbol support vote.svg Back up I agree that a date before 1927 is beyond a significant doubt. As Yann noted, either the photographer died in 1921 or is unknown. In either case it was PD in Frg before the URAA date. . Jim . . . (Jameslwoodward) (talk to me) 12:34, 22 April 2022 (UTC) [reply]

I accept just submitted an email from the photographer stating that nosotros have permission to use the prototype on Iymen's Wikipedia page. TsunamiPrincess (talk) 05:45, 22 Apr 2022 (UTC) [reply]

@TsunamiPrincess: You lot take to look for a volunteer to process the permission. Yann (talk) 09:15, 22 Apr 2022 (UTC) [reply]
Also annotation that "permission to use the image on Iymen's Wikipedia folio" is not sufficient. WP:EN and Commons crave that images must be gratuitous for any utilise past anyone anywhere. . Jim . . . (Jameslwoodward) (talk to me) 12:30, 22 Apr 2022 (UTC) [reply]

This is a photo that is used by the full general public and the entrada would not oppose it's usage on Wikipedia. This is relating to a picture of Dr. Neil Shah that was deleted from the 2022 Minnesota Gubernatorial Election Wikipedia folio. Feel gratis to achieve out. Thanks. — Preceding unsigned comment added by MrJRSmith (talk • contribs) 17:36, 22 April 2022‎ (UTC) [reply]

Please undelete. We have permission per Ticket:2021050510005437. Thanks, --Mussklprozz (talk) 06:48, 23 April 2022 (UTC) [reply]

@Mussklprozz: ✓ Washed The file above is a redirect to File:Ciani-Sophia Hoeder 2020.jpg which I besides undeleted Gbawden (talk) 07:06, 23 April 2022 (UTC) [reply]


I would like clarification every bit to why the image of the player in the ALtay uniform was deleted.


It is a photograph from my personal device therefore, information technology does not violate any copyright laws and was not stolen from anyone or anywhere else. So I am unclear as to why it was deleted.

Please to review and either overturn the deletion or provide some reason as to why it was removed.

Give thanks you lot for your consideration in advance.

--Sacha - Gay Dark-brown (talk) 08:41, 23 April 2022 (UTC) [reply]
