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How Do You Say What Does That Mean in Japanese

50 Easy Japanese Phrases for Expressing Your Opinion or Feeling in Japanese!

50 Easy Japanese Phrases for Expressing Your Opinion or Feeling in Japanese!

Date published: 6 March 2020
Last updated: 15 July 2020

Table of Contents
  1. Describing How You Feel in Japanese
  2. How To Describe Things Using Japanese
  3. "She's Nice. He's Cool." How to Describe Other People in Japanese
  4. Related Articles on Japanese Language

Asking about someone's feeling in Japanese

How are you? (Literal meaning: Are you well?)
genki desu ka? /元気ですか。

For the most basic way to say how you feel in Japanese, use the following pattern:
"adjective + desu"
Feel free to omit the pronoun (I, you, he, etc.), as it is usually implied in most situations when using Japanese. You should generally try to avoid the word 'you' (あなた anata) altogether when speaking Japanese, as it can denote over-familiarity. When in doubt, the person's name with a 'san' (さん) attached is always a safe bet.

Describing How You Feel in Japanese

Describing How You Feel in Japanese

(I am)___ . / (She is)___ . /(He is)____ .
(watashi wa) / (kanojo wa) / (kare wa)___ desu.
(私は) / (彼女は) / (彼は) ___です。

fine, well
元気 (genki)
not feeling well
気分が悪い (kibun ga warui)
眠い (nemui)
疲れた (tsukareta)
わくわくする・ワクワクする (waku waku)
退屈 (taikutsu)
悲しい (kanashii)
寂しい (sabishii・samishii)
怒っている (okotteiru)

Examples of ...

I'm sleepy
(私は)眠いです / (watashiwa) nemui desu

You can use the following expressions to talk about hunger or thirst. In Japanese, you won't find direct translations of the terms "hungry" or "thirsty." Instead, these concepts are described in relation to one's stomach or throat.

hungry (Literal meaning: stomach is empty.)
お腹が空いた / onaka ga suita
thirsty (Literal meaning: throat is dry.)
のどが渇いた / nodo ga kawaita
full (Literal meaning: stomach is full.)
お腹がいっぱい / onaka ga ippai

How To Describe Things Using Japanese

How To Describe Things Using Japanese

If you would like to describe something else, you can use the following format:

(It) is___.
___desu. / ___です。
良い (ii)
ナイス (naisu)
not good
良くない (yokunai)
悪い (warui)
楽しい (tanoshii)
難しい (muzukashii)
funny, interesting
面白い (omoshiroi)
not funny, not interesting
面白くない (omoshirokunai)
つまらない (tsumaranai)
おかしい (okashii)
hot (weather)
暑い (atsui)
hot (object)
熱い (atsui)
温かい (atatakai)
cold (weather)
寒い (samui)
cold (object)
冷たい (tsumetai)
静か (shizuka)
高い (takai)
安い (yasui)
cute, pretty
可愛い (kawaii)
綺麗 (kirei)
素敵 (suteki)
素晴らしい (subarashii)
酷い (hidoi)
the worst
最悪 (sai aku)
suspicious, shady
怪しい (ayashii)
狡い (zurui)

Examples of ...

It's hot.
暑いです。 / atsui desu

"She's Nice. He's Cool." How to Describe Other People in Japanese

You can also use the same sentence structure to describe people, using either a pronoun, or a name. Once again, the pronoun is considered optional, although it can clarify who you are speaking about, depending on the situation.

He is ___.
彼は___です。 / kare wa___desu.
She is ___.
彼女は___です。 / kanojo wa___desu.
Yuka is ___.
由佳さんは___です。 / Yuka-san wa___desu.

The following are just a few adjectives that can be used to describe a person.

kind, sweet
優しい (yasashii)
親切 (shinsetsu)
頭がいい (atama ga ii)
賢い (kashikoi)
good looking, cool
かっこいい (kakkoii)
厳しい (kibishii)
優しくない (yasashiku nai)
頑固 (ganko)
ハイテンション (hai tenshon**)

**This is a wasei-eigo term taken from the English terms 'high tension.' It has nothing to do with 'tension' the way English speakers use the word.

Related Articles on Japanese Language

*This information is from the time of this article's publication.
*Prices and options mentioned are subject to change.
*Unless stated otherwise, all prices include tax.

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How Do You Say What Does That Mean in Japanese
